Kim Mikalson
Passionate and empathic occupational therapist.
Currently collaborating with clients with mental health issues promoting their participation and engagement in meaningful activities
Philosophy of Practice
Occupational therapy combines my interest in psychological, biological, social, and environmental determinants of health with my passion for working with and helping people.
I want to be authentic to my personal and professional values using them as guiding inspiration to provide clients with ethical, evidence-based, and client-centered therapy. Occupation enables individuals to have meaning and purpose in their life and engagement in occupation is linked to health and well being. I will work collaboratively with individuals to find what is meaningful and important to them recognizing that there is no “one size fits all” therapy. Recovery is an individual journey and I hope to work with clients to find strategies that resonate with them ensuring client-centered care. Occupation has therapeutic value by providing people hope, empowerment, direction, support, and responsibility. I believe that engaging in occupations is a human right. As an occupational therapist, I will advocate for justice and empower individuals to participate in meaningful activities so that they find fulfillment.
Aims of Professional Work
Aims of Professional Work
Goals for Clients
Goals for Clients
I believe that individuals are experts in their own lives and experiences. Thus, my goals for my clients are that they feel comfortable to voice their opinions and concerns, that they have choice and control in therapy, and that they are active participants in the process. I want them to feel safe and supported so that they can expose their vulnerabilities and concerns and engage in the recovery process. Recovery and therapy is a non-linear individualized process that I hope my clients will embrace as an opportunity for development.
Goals for Self
As a therapist, I will strive to be client-centered and encourage individuals to have choice and say in the direction of therapy. It is important to me to be aware of the knowledge and expertise clients bring to the therapeutic relationship and I aim to collaborate with clients empowering them to be active participants in goal setting. I hope to create a safe and supportive atmosphere with opportunity for experimentation and growth. I plan to further my personal and professional education and explore opportunities for development. I will work hard during therapy and behind the scenes to continually grow and improve as a therapist so that I can bring my best self forward in every session in order to empower clients' to reach their goals.
Preferred Client/Practictioner Relationship
My preferred client/practitioner relationship is one of equality and shared power. We each bring unique elements, knowledge, and skills to the relationship and therapeutic process. My client’s needs and wants will be of the utmost importance and during therapy sessions I will devote my complete attention and energy on the client. I hope that the relationship is one of equal partnership where clients are active participants and I hope that both parties are able to collaborate and contribute to a shared goal. It is important to be cognizant that individuals are the expert in their own lives and that they have the right to make decisions and be involved in all aspects of their care.
Preferred Work Climate
I aspire to work in a climate that has shared respect, an open environment promoting learning, and a supportive team. I hope to work where resources are available to further my professional development and that continued education is encouraged. I hope the environment will continue to challenge me to progress in my knowledge and skills. Currently, I am most interested working in a mental health and/or neurological setting, however, I am open to any opportunity as each work experience is valuable to my growth and development. I would like to work in outpatient or community because it gives you the opportunity to interact with clients in their own environment. Community is not as time-sensitive as inpatient acute care, thus, enabling me, as the therapist, to spend more time getting to know the client and working with them collaboratively in therapy.