Kim Mikalson
Passionate and empathic occupational therapist.
Currently collaborating with clients with mental health issues promoting their participation and engagement in meaningful activities
Personal Value Statement
These values guide my life both personally and professionally.
I am very passionate about helping people both in personal and professional contexts. Being a compassionate person is integral to my aspiration to be an occupational therapist. Compassion and empathy establishes opportunity to understand another person’s perspective and point of view. I believe that people are inherently good and I hope to empower others to reach their potential and be engaged in their lives.
I believe that living a balanced life influences ones health because everything interacts harmoniously. Today’s world is very hectic with the tendency for people to be looking towards what’s next. I am often challenged to not get caught up in past experiences or future possibilities. Thus, I strive to live my life with balance and being present in each moment. I recognize that flexibility and adaptability are strengths I utilize in maintaining balance. To achieve balance in my own life, I engage in activities that are important to me and that I value. I exercise, practice mindfulness and physical balance within yoga, spend time with family and friends, and take time to reflect and recharge. By striving for and living with balance, I can be present not only in my own life but also for my clients. This enables me to provide holistic care that is centered and focused on my client.
I believe that there is limitless potential for human growth. Each day, I learn from the challenges I face, the mistakes I make, and the successes I achieve. I know that I am not perfect but I hope to show up everyday ready for the growth and development that will take place. I aim to take this point of view into my clinical practice as providing therapy to clients will bring new obstacles and opportunities for self-discovery. With growth lies opportunity, the opportunity to be adventurous and face obstacles head on. I am an adventurous person who loves to explore and discover new ideas, beliefs, and points of view. Reflecting on my thinking, assumptions, and reasoning will ensure the opportunity to learn and grow as a therapist and develop my therapeutic skills to continually strive to provide the best care.